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VOGUE美容大奖2023 项目流程

VOGUE美容大奖2023 项目流程

7.12-7.25 VOGUE官方平台宣布开启VOGUE Beauty Award 2023 ,并且公布专家评审团阵容 和大奖评选机制,开启报名通道。

7.26-8.10 专家评审团进行入围初选(每个品类选出5件入选单品)

8.25 公布初选入围产品名单

8.25-9.1 开放在线投票系统,由VOGUE各版本主编/美容总监们为入围产品投票决出最终优胜者

10月中旬 正式公布VOGUE Beauty Award 2023优胜产品,举办颁奖典礼以及Beauty Weekend线下活动。

12 July - 25 July The opening of the VOGUE Beauty Award 2023, as well as the panel of the expert jury and the selection mechanism of the award, will be announced through the official VOGUE social platform. The channel for registration will be opened.

The products will be shortlisted by the expert panel.

25 August Shortlist will be announced.

25 Aug - 1 Sept The online voting system will be opened for VOGUE global beauty editors to vote for the final winners.

Mid October The winners of VOGUE Beauty Award 2023 will be announced during the 3-day offline Beauty Weekend.