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VOGUE 自1892年诞生以来,就一直致力于为读者提供最具原创精神以及最具创新思维的优质内容。美容做为时尚产业最重要的组成部分,一直都是VOGUE重点创新的内容版块。时值《服饰与美容VOGUE》面世18周年,VOGUE 2023年度美容大奖也将继续沿袭我们对于创新和品质的追求精神,邀请全球最权威的美容专家和VOGUE各版本主编/美容总监们组成强大的评审团,以专业的评审视角精选满足评奖条件的美容品,以表彰美容品牌在创新之路上做出的卓越成绩。






This year, Vogue China will hold its inaugural Beauty Awards in celebration of our local and global beauty industry as an indispensable part of our Vogue community and cultural outlook. VOGUE Beauty Awards 2023 will continue to follow the pursuit of innovation and quality, and invite the world’s most trusted beauty experts and Vogue beauty editors to form an authoritative panel to select the beauty products that meet the award conditions from a professional review perspective.

Selection system:

1. All participating brands can sign up for this beauty awards in https://beautyawards.vogue.com.cn

Each brand can not sign up for more than five awards, and only one product can applicate for each award.

2. After the registration deadline, the trial products will be sent to all the beauty expert juries for evaluation, and the finalists will be selected (5 finalists will be selected for each award).

3. The samples of the finalists will be sent to the global VOGUE beauty editors for evaluation, and the final winning products will be selected (3 final winning products for each award).

4. The list of all winning products will be announced at the offline award ceremony.